I have a dream. It goes something like this- Win the lottery. Hire George, Andy, and maybe Sean C. And Paul if he'll ever leave. Start a little company that lives off the interest of my new winnings, and does nothing but write really cool kick ass apps that I think the world needs. We'll have a really cool office maybe downtown or someplace, that has big open spaces like the building I'm in now. And I'm even going to have a backup system for all the computers (that's my favorite part- I just want one of those really big monster tape systems that does backups)
So that's why I bought a lottery ticket today. :)
Oh- and a band room! I almost forgot that part. And maybe Paul could work remotely or something. I need a good sysadmin.
It seems like all the computer science problems I've been having lately have to do with stacks. And I haven't really found the zen of stacks yet. Parsing xml-rpc responses- stacks. Oracle like string formating- stacks. XML-PDF generation program- stacks. stacks stacks stacks stacks. And this latest problem I'm working on- the string formatting (boding, superscripts, subscripts, la de dah) is going to be a killer. And something tells me I'm going to use stacks extensively.
I'm sitting here, at work, typing. But I swear I'm still asleep.