November 11, 2002
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)
We'll I'd say I've had a pretty good birthday. (Oh yea, today's is my birthday! Woot!)
Right now I'm finishing off a tasty beer (Ebulum) that Kirstin gave me, and thinking about drinking one that my uncle gave me. Mmmmmmmm beer tasty.
Kirstin made me dinner on Saturday night (Chili Rellenos & Mangodias!), my mom last night (Schnitzle!), and Doug bought me lunch today (Showme's!).
And when I got back home today, the town of Augieville threw me a big parade! How's that for kick ass? :)
Here's some pics I took over the weekend...

And Kirstin took the last one from the window of a speeding Wayne.