I've been listening to Tab Benoit's new album "<a href=http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00006314T/qid=1018583163/sr=8-5/ref=sr_8_67_5/103-7385889-9366220>Wetlands" tonight. It's pretty good- and it's fun to jam to with my guitar. It's a bit different than his other albums, but I can't really put my finger on why... I'll definitely say that he's going for soul over anything else on this one. It's got his trademark guitar messups- I love that. If you hear a guitar player who never messes up, that means he isn't trying hard enough :)
I had been meaning to do some recording with my guitar tonight- since George was nice enough to get my pc in working order- but win2k (at least on this box) doesn't seem to like the usb ports. sigh. I'm doomed to never record again. OS 9 crashes, Win2k doesn't want to work, and the drivers aren't out for MacOS X yet.