sweet. When you search google for the terms <a href=http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=I%27m+feeling+like+crap&btnG=Google+Search>I'm feeling like crap my site comes up #2! (currently anyway)
Other amusing searches from google (as told by the server logs) include:
"barbwire font free" probably because of my free font.
"i love gus" sweeeet.
"drunk girls marti gras" heh.
"how to remove parameter from httpservletrequest" that's a popular one- looks like a $ maker to me.
"ripping soda machines" - I'm not sure what that's about.
"show up naked at the airport" wtf?
"taiwan naked show" wtf?!?!
"how to impress a woman" fools. I'm the last person to talk to for that.
"get guy drunk" buy him a drink?
"hooters priceless" no comment.
"gus are a good thing" super sweet.
"life is freaken weird" no kidding.