November 24, 2003
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)
While I'm waiting for VoodooPad 1.1.1b2 to get some burn in time, I've been working on an update to the Flying Meat website. I've decided to stop using "Georgia" for the typeface, and instead I'll be setting the fonts to "Lucida Grande/sans-serif. Why? Well, because that's what Apple does. Georgia looks pretty nice, but there is also something to be said for consistency. I use the default fonts for all my dialogs in VoodooPad, Lucida Grande is used all over they system.. why not extend that to my website?

And happy birthday to Charlie, Jill and Aaron's little boy, who just turned 1. He's a messy little bugger.