I'm doing a bit of work on VoodooPad tonight- cleaning up the code that does the saving and opening of files. Hopefully making it a bit more saner- and using less code. There was a bunch of stuff already built in to the framework that I'm using that I chose to ignore for some reason. Stupid me.
I'm thinking that I should have done a 1.0.1 release with VoodooPad. There were a couple of stupid little bugs that got in there that could have been fixed really quickly.. but I've already started down the path for the next version (1.1?) and I don't want to go back and mess with branches and such in CVS. I use CVS- but I don't claim to completely understand everything. Checking in/out- and comparing revisions I'm fine with... taging... you know, the simple stuff. But when it gets into doing branches, and merging code and stuff I just don't really trust it yet.. I get the jeebies thinking about it. Oh well, I'll just have to setup a test module and play with that.
In other news... took Stevie for his walk tonight with Kirstin- he's starting to get used to the funny leash I'm having him use (It's called a "Gentle Leader"). He doesn't choke himself to death with this one. The weather is pretty nice- but I'm sure that won't last for long. Spring in the midwest only lasts for a couple of weeks before it gets blisteringly hot. Can't wait.