June 24, 2003
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)
Some pics.

Some bluffs along the Buffalo River, with the morning fog still hanging. This is where we camped.

Stevie enjoying the ride to Horseshoe Canyon.

Kirstin hanging out, about to do her first hanging belay. She just finished up leading a route with 14(!) clips on it.

Andy passed out on the second day, right next to his water bowl. (just kidding, it's Stevies' water bowl. Really.)

Myself (what a strange picture of me) and Kirstin uptop that 14 bolt climb.
And that's just about it for the pictures, sans some more of stevie just laying on some rocks, and some bad scenery pics- I really need to start taking more pictures... of course, it didn't help that I left my camera in the car on the first day.