I've finished up another release of VoodooPad- this one is labeled 1.1a7. I didn't get to put in the remote wiki editing code yet for this release- hopefully it'll be in the next one. It's the last major feature I'm going to put in for 1.1- then vp will hit a short beta cycle, and then it'll go final. And a reminder- the price is going to go up to $29 bucks once that happens. BUY NOW! Or wait. Actually, I would prefer if you wait. :)
Joe is in Portland for OSCON right now - I chatted with him a bit online and if you look at his blog he seems pretty stoked about going. Fun fun- I wish I could be there, but the price was a bit much.
Anyway- off to do a "cvs tag -b voodoopad1-1-a-7 ." and begin work on 1.1a8 or beta 1 or whatever it'll be called.