Wednesday, December 14th, 2005

And here's what it looks like now:

Kirstin did the brickwork on the inside, and I did the woodwork. Still needs to be stained... what can I say, I'm lazy. I promise it'll be done by 2007.
In other news I've decided that the code name for VoodooPad 3.0 is "Guaymas", named after a town in Mexico. Or maybe something else. Maybe I should have named it "taco stand", but I really want to keep my tradition of naming it after little towns. For future trivia, VoodooPad 2.0's code name was "Snohomish", or "Snoh" for short.
There's no real reason for code names when I've already got the version number figured out ... but hey, I figure I'd do it anyway.
I haven't actually started coding on 3.0 yet (gotta ship that little MarsEdit program first!), but I've been doing a bit more serious planning and little proof of concept apps for it. And I also spent some cash on a 3rd party component which the inclusion of is going to piss people off and make them happy at the same time. Can't wait :)
-- posted 3:41 pm