Monday, December 19th, 2005
VoodooPad 2.5.2 and FlySketch 1.6.1 have been released. Both are bug fix releases.
VP 2.5.2 fixes some problems with web export & images, misc AppleScript things, the web export about/preview image not working with old graphics cards (yea opengl), and encrypted pages not being cleaned up with spotlight indexing.
FlySketch 1.6.1 fixes some text and graphic bounds issues.
-- posted 3:49 pm
Dave Hyatt lets us know that SVG has been merged into the latest builds for WebKit. Rock on.

Here's a pic of the Flying Meat logo as a svg image, in a nightly webkit build, with a transparent background. So it looks like you'll have no problems using SVG in Dashboard in... 10.5 I guess. It'll be neat if Apple adds javascript hooks in there some day so we can do interactive SVG things.
So windows has Avalon/WinFX (is that what it's called now?) to do fancy transparent scriptable... applets. And Apple has this. I wonder if SVG is a response to Avalon, or just a natural progression. SVG has been around for a long time (almost seven years!), why is it being picked up now?
-- posted 12:45 am