Monday, March 21st, 2005
I remember two years ago when I wasn't at WWDC and Apple came out with objective-c bindings. I knew something really cool was brought out because people were dropping hints on their websites and the mailing lists... but I had no idea what it was. And it was driving me nuts.
Thankfully we'll all be spared that this year. Both the urge to know what can't be talked about, and the urge to tell what can't be talked about.
-- posted 1:01 pm
The 2005 WWDC session descriptions are up.
And QTKit (Cocoa->Quicktime goodness) is mentioned publicly. "Advanced Document-based Application Techniques" looks interesting as well, I'll have to check that one out. Only 75 days to go.
-- posted 11:00 am
Seasonality from Gaucho Software. "Weather taken to the next level."
-- posted 10:57 am