Saturday, July 30th, 2005
For some reason I've been wanting to start an online comic lately. I think it's because I was reading news about Comic-Con, and then I found out some Pixar employees started some of their own indie comics.
"Wow" Gus thought, "that's the essence of cool". And he promptly bought a copy of Rose and Isabel which should be showing up any day now.
The only problem is I have no talent when it comes to doing stuff like that. Usually that wouldn't stop me from trying anyway but I've got no place to put it without being laughed off the internet. I guess I could do it anonymously, but that's too much trouble.
But I've got a really cool idea for the format! You read "The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster" in the weeks leading up to episode III, right? You didn't? Huh. Well, you can start reading it here. It's good. In my comic there would be crappy drawings with no text bubbles, and then journal entries like Darthside from the main character. Bonus points if it's drawn in black and white like Sin City.
Like this:

I'd call it "blogmic". Or maybe "comilog". But then I'll remember I've got no story to tell, and I can't draw. All I know is it's got to be set in the future, have lots of kung-fu, and the main character has to have a hover bike- because I've always wanted one. Makes it easy to get to the out of the way climbing spots.
-- posted 9:10 pm
FlySketch 1.5.1 is ready- here are the notes:
- Fixed a problem taking screen shots when the display prefs were set to "millions" of colors.
- Updated French localization.
- You can now use command-K to take a screen capture.
- Fixed some bugs when moving a lines around and undoing the actions.
-- posted 8:35 pm