Wednesday, August 10th, 2005
FlySketch 1.5.2 beta 1 is up on the server. There was a bug in the registration process which is fixed in this version, along with adding a new hidden pref for copying images.
The pref is set by typing this in the terminal:
defaults write com.flyingmeat.FlySketch skipPDFCopy -bool YES
And what that does is when a copy is done on selected objects in FlySketch, it doesn't put a PDF rep of the graphics on the clipboard. Which was a problem when pasting into Photoshop and you had some custom compositing on graphics in there. Photoshop would prefer the PDF rep over the TIFF rep (which is understandable), but currently the PDF rep can't handle the composited graphics. I'll have to see if I can change that with some more research.
-- posted 3:36 pm