Thursday, September 8th, 2005
1) Damn you QuickTime 4. It's all your fault.
2) Hey, look at Panic! With the exception of Desktastic, their apps have hardly any custom UI widgets and everybody loves the way their apps look and behave.
-- posted 6:15 pm
For a long time, I've had a hidden pref where you could turn on metal windows for VoodooPad. In the spirit of that and to celebrate the new release of iTunes 5, I'm announcing the first new features of VoodooPad 2.5 (well, for those of you who aren't watching my bug tracking system anyway).
Dalmatian and Flower Power windows!

defaults write com.flyingmeat.VoodooPad dalmatianWindows YES

defaults write com.flyingmeat.VoodooPad flowerWindows YES
This will work when you get VoodooPad 2.5 in your hands. And thanks to Q. who showed me how to do this.
Yes, I'm serious.
-- posted 2:20 am