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January 9, 2006
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)

Monday, January 9th, 2006

I saw a post go by on the lua mailing list today, adding a new product to the user projects list... Adobe Lightroom, which just came out as a beta today. And I was flabbergasted by how it was described... '''Adobe Lightroom is "the complete, elegant environment for the art and craft of digital photography from raw capture to creative output". Over 40% of Adobe Lightroom is written in Lua.''' (emphasis mine).

Holy Crap. 40%? Wow. That's nuts. I had heard it described as a Cocoa app, so I needed to download it to check it out.

The first thing I did when I got the .dmg was to open up the package and snoop around a bit. Not that many .nib files laying around, but I bet they are using Cocoa. I found a couple of .lua files.. but they were in byte code for so I couldn't see what was in them (damn!). A little shell script action reveals that there are 223 different .lua files in there. Wow.

The UI is definitely not Cocoa. I know this because my scroll wheel doesn't work, and it feels kind of .. jerky. Almost in an OS 9 sort of way. I'm wondering if what they are doing is driving the whole UI with Lua? That would be super cool if that's the case, and I wonder if the exact same widgets are going to show up on the windows side?

Man I wish I could see what Adobe is doing with Lua behind the scenes. Is this a move on their part to a make as much of their code base for this project cross platform, or was it something else? Inquiring minds want to know. Oh hey- and Lightroom is also using sqlite!

I also got a kick out of the way palettes work (qt7 movie) in Lightroom. The palettes in FlySketch work the same way (yaqt7m).

Anyway, I really like Lua. It's simple, lightweight, a breeze to work with, and fun (because it's new!!!). I think Jens said it best when he compared it to a haiku.

-- posted 11:26 pm