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January 19, 2006
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

I recently got the book "Programming with Quartz" as a gift from Richard Blanchard (for putting together a quick build of FlySketch which supported 10.3's PDF Services last year for a WWDC demo). I was already thinking of getting the book, so it was good timing on his part (for me anyway). I've not finished it yet, but I can already say that it's a really good book if you are wanting to hook into the awesome 2d graphics capabilities of Mac OS X.

I spent some time a couple of years ago porting a java app which used pdflib (xml to pdf / layout engine) over to using Apple's Quartz libraries, and man.. I wish I had this book back then. I'm learning a ton of new stuff, and it even goes over the newer apis in 10.4 and a bit of history which is pretty interesting.

But don't take just my word for it (I have a slight bias against it obviously). I asked Jonathan Wight if he thought it was worth it and his response was "Damn straight, worth every penny. That and mark's books are the best mac os x dev books i have right now.".

So two thumbs up for "Programming with Quartz" (and thanks Rich!).

-- posted 5:20 pm