Monday, January 23rd, 2006
Yojimbo "Your effortless, reliable information organizer for Mac OS X".
Holy crap, Bare Bones has a cocoa app! I've played with it a little bit (I'm obviously going to stick with VoodooPad though), and it has some neat ideas I could learn from. It also has a few features that I've been meaning to implement in VoodooPad as well, which is good because now I get to see how it works in real life instead of in my head.
The single page encryption "unlocker" has two options- "Decrypt" and "View". I wish I had thought of that, it's certainly easier than what VP currently does to permanently decrypt a page. But that's ok... because I've got an even better solution coming up for the next big version of VP :)
It does have syncing however. I'm going to have to revisit that at some point.
Of course... it doesn't have wiki links. And VP still has the best implementation of that out there! But that's fine, there's plenty of Mac users to go around for both of us :)
-- posted 4:58 pm