Wednesday, March 1st, 2006
CocoaDevHouse tshirts. Ohhhhhh, very core-duo ish :)
Don't forget CocoaDevHouse Dallas is this weekend as well, brought to you by Blake Burris- the same guy who brought us CocoaRadio. Party on.
-- posted 7:20 pm
Happy march first everyone! (especially Jeff and Ken).
I thought I would release VoodooPad 2.5.4 today since I've been sitting on it for a couple of weeks, but then I realized I hadn't bothered to tell enough people about it so it would get some real testing. So I've put a fresh build up here, and the very latest release notes are here. Scream if you find a critical bug, or you lose an eye because of this version (sorry about that!). Otherwise I'll probably put it out in a couple of days or something.
Are all the programmers getting excited about #macsb iron coder? Just two more days!
-- posted 2:17 pm