These are the random links for today, Jan 16, 2007.
Daily Monster is a daily favorite of mine. A new monster every day.
Clickable Bliss' Billable 1.1 is out.
John Gruber (Daring Fireball) and Cabel Sasser (Panic) did a very amusing panel at Macworld, and you can listen to it here.
Should I Exhibit At Macworld? by Paul Kafasis of Rogue Amoeba.
Wil Shipley writes about advertising Delicious Library.
One of my favorite illustrators, Ragnar Johnson, shares some awesome new creations from his "House Of Secrets" series.
MacFUSE is all the rage with the osx devs at the moment. As I was saying to Jonathan Wight earlier: "I'VE GOT A SOLUTION! I NEED A PROBLEM!"
Last and definitely least: VoodooPad's baby picture!

Wow, look at those stripes and spelling mistakes. And who puts the delete button right next to the save button? Especially since you don't have undo yet...