Fraser Speirs: "iWork '08 formatting bar: yet another new set of widgets. Don't Apple engineers get bored recreating NSPopupButton every 18 months?"
That pretty much sums up what I was thinking when I saw it and it made me laugh a little inside, especially after seeing a slide at WWDC that said "Use Standard Controls and Windows! Avoid customization". Apple is a very big company now :)
And while I'm picking on Apple (whom I love by the way), anyone else notice that the labels in the iWork preferences are all bold?

(click for the big pic)
That's just a little weird. Especially since iPhoto and friends (which came out at the same time) don't do this. Should I start doing this in my apps? I think whoever is in charge of the HIG now should have a "question of the day" kind of thing, where we can submit questions like this and get a short answer.
You could even make it a widget!