That's a picture of what one of my main VoodooPad documents Index page looks like. In this case, "VPWorkbook" is the document that I put most of my VoodooPad ideas in, and other random tidbits related to VP. It's 367 pages, and honestly I'm not sure what exactly is in it. But that's ok, that's how VoodooPad is meant to be used.
I've got a handful of VoodooPad documents. "Augiestuff.vpdoc" which contains passwords, credit card info, random links and thoughts, PDFs of fight info, PDF receipts from online orders, all kinds of stuff that doesn't really fit anywhere. And of course, I use VP Pro's document wide encryption for Augiestuff. I've also got AcornWorkbook.vpdoc, gmdc.vpdoc (which I'm writing in right now), fm.vpdoc, WoodWorking.vpdoc, etc. You can probably guess what types of info goes into each one of these.
Each one of these documents follows a pattern. The Index page contains an image at the top, surrounded by a pixel wide back border. Then there is some sort of little saying below the name of the document, and a bulleted list of the most important things (currently) in the document. The image usually has absolutely nothing to do with the document. As priorities change, the contents of the Index page will change. New links will be added, and old ones removed.

A new preference in VoodooPad, "Colorize links", has come in pretty handy for me. Combine this with the new Type palette, and VoodooPad doesn't do much to your text except underline links.

At some point during the development of VP4 I became pretty sensitive to the way my text looked in VoodooPad (it probably had something to do with working on Acorn). I remember visiting a webpage one day, looking at some beautifully laid out text and thinking to myself "RTF can do all that, and since VoodooPad is based on RTF... why don't I make it easier folks?". And then the Type palette was born. Ironically now, VoodooPad has a better type/font palette than Acorn.
Anyway this is a long way of saying VP won't colorize your page links if you don't want it to. You put time and effort into making the page look like what you wanted, why should VP mess it up?

I know which I like better.
Incidentally, the source to the type palette is included in VoodooPad's plugin SDK.