February 25, 2008
(This post is from my old, old, super old site. My views have changed over the years, hopefully my writing has improved, and there is now more than a handful of folks reading my site. Enjoy.)
Acorn 1.1 has been released, woot. And it's about time too- the "intro" price was starting to look a bit permanent. You can read the release notes on the Acorn wiki.
Ian Baird has also (finally!) released a 1.0 of Changes, so now I can't yell at him anymore about shipping. Congrats.
ScreenFlow, a new screencasting app, is amazing. Licenses bought.
And while updating the Acorn entry in VersionTracker, I noticed that Dan Messing's Overflow hit 2.5.5. I like Overflow, use it all the time.