The first thing that jumped out at me with iPhoto '11 and iMove were the new toolbar icons. They aren't exactly colorful, which was something that I always liked about iPhoto '09. I imagine Apple changed the icons so that they looked similar when going to full screen mode:

How very iOS like. Are we going to see a new trend in Mac apps that use this style of icons? They look pretty dull to me with just a single color but times change.
And then eventually they change back. I mean, you don't see bell-bottoms much anymore, but you know in 20 years you will again. It'll start with teenagers, and then it'll be everywhere and you can't stop it.
P.S: Hey Apple, the View menu is supposed to be next to the Edit menu, but it's not in iPhoto. I wonder if that's a holdover for Mac OS 9? And the Escape key doesn't close the About window. What's up with that?