November is coming up in about 12 days (so says Siri) and that means NaNoDrawMo is about to begin!
I'm going to rip off the description of NaNoDrawMo from the Flickr group page and paste it here for you:
'''Inspired by National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), NaNoDrawMo is a personal challenge to push would-be artists beyond the bounds of comfortable "when I have time" practice for one month and see what happens.Loosely defined goals are for each participant to produce 50 individual works/drawings between Nov 1 and Nov 30. You can always do more than 50 if you've got it in you! That's just the minimum everyone should be shooting for.
You do not have to be good. There is no quality requirement. The idea is to force yourself to practice by setting a high quantity goal. Also, it’s not a competition (except with yourself). Any medium is OK, as long as you can get it onto Flickr somehow.'''
I managed to do a bit over 50 drawings last year, but couldn't bring myself to post them to the group. I'll just say publicly that I promise to do so this time (barring any serious life altering events of course).
I've also come up with a theme, which I think will help me pump out the sketches: "Creatures from the Planet Blue". It's the name of a planet I just made up, where the inhabitants are colored blue because I've been using a blue col-erase pencil a lot lately:

(PS: NaNoDrawMo was created a couple of years ago by fellow mac dev Steven Frank)