The Shape of Everything
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Brent Simmons on Jeff McLeman:
It is my sad duty to report that Jeff McLeman — whose work you’ve used, even if you don’t know it — suffered injuries from a very bad fall, and soon after passed away as a result of those injuries.
Jeff was a long-time Seattle Xcoder, before recently moving away, and he was a beloved friend to me and many people.
Jeff was a bit of a walking encyclopedia on what it was like to work on operating systems and hardware from what seems forever ago, even though it must have only been 20 or 30 years. I saw him often when he lived in the Seattle area, always at Cyclops or Xcoders. Jeff always had crazy stories about older tech, and even the new stuff he was creating was a bit out there. Last I talked to him, he was building custom microcontrollers for a client, which were sending out radio signals for god knows what.
Jeff will be missed.