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March 2, 2020

From Wikipedia's entry on AppleScript:

Whereas Apple events are a way to send messages into applications, AppleScript is a particular language designed to send Apple events. In keeping with the objective of ease-of-use for beginners, the AppleScript language is designed on the natural language metaphor, just as the graphical user interface is designed on the desktop metaphor.

If you wanted to write an AppleScript to open my app Acorn, it would look like this:

tell application "Acorn" to open

If you then wanted to tell Acorn to quit, it would look like this:

tell application "Acorn" to quit

If you invoke Siri and say "tell application Acorn to open" then Acorn will open up which is pretty awesome. If you use the latter command, Siri will respond:

To close an app, press Command - Q on your keyboard. If that doesn't work, open the  menu and chose Force Quit.

The very first AppleScript command I baked into Acorn goes as follows:

tell application "Acorn" to taunt

The command is still there today, and if I ask the same to Siri literally nothing happens. Siri just goes away and pretends I didn't ask it anything. But should it?

It seems to me that as an interface to Siri commands, something along the lines of AppleScript would be a pretty good fit. What if developers could mark commands in our AppleScript interfaces to be exposed to Siri?

I realize Apple is doing its best to make sure AppleScript just fades away, but this seems to be a pretty big missed opportunity on their part.